So THAT’S what happened! If only he hadn’t made that one infomercial for Kaboom… the spy never would have figured out his true identity!
By Lukmuxik

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Categories: Depressing, PC, Photo Op, Playstation, Serious Business, Sneak Attack, Team Fortress 2, TV Shows, Valve Software, Xbox 360 ![]() · Leave a comment () 81 Comments ![]() |
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Billy Mays, you will be missed…
Also, a look back at the legend: http://consumerist.com/5303625/billy-mays-a-look-…
I'm gonna miss that guy, he kicked ass :(
Ahhh, come on, who posted this??? Bad form.
='[ This submission makes me sad. (Heavy was my favorite)
>.< Too soon. Too soon.
Kind of wrong but kind of right….did anyone notice they still play his commercials? (seems in bad taste to me…idk)
waaaaaaaaaaaay too soon ='[
This is what TVTropes would call a Funny Aneurysm Moment…
i am never going to play spy ever again, and i am going to yell "THAT'S FOR BILLY" every time i kill one
The spy is a spy! Either that or this guy is about to score a major teamkill.
The spy is a spy! Either that or this guy is about to score a major teamkill…
Every BLU Spy is DEAD for Billy!
Michal Jackson jokes where funny but this is way too soon!
The spy is a shamwow
Guy, atleast this isn't as disgraceful as the advertising companies. :( They still show Billy May adverts on TV even though they know he is dead. :(
Guys, atleast this isn't as disgraceful as the advertising companies. :( They still show Billy May adverts on TV even though they know he is dead. :(
I think this is, at the moment, in bad taste. You gotta wait at least a week.
The Spy really should have been RED…
I guess I can't comment on this one, on my country we never heard his name
Just… back off… slowly… dodge the… stones…
Agreed in bad form… but uhhh… please raise your hand if you cared more about billy mays dieing than michael jackson
::raises hand::
i saw the guy on the tonight show half a week before he died
Celebrity deaths come in threes, you know, Ed McMahon, Farrah Fawcett, and Michael Jackson. Billy Mays threw in the fourth for FREE!
I still have a place in my heart for you Billy Mays… ;_;
*sobs* Goodnight sweet prince. You were loved by all. (BLU spy not included)
Never heard… of… BILLY…. MAYS!?!?!?
Fail for bad taste
the spy has gone too far this time!!!
"Color Correction" would have helped this Spy from scoring a teamkill.
I thought it was pretty darn funny.
Anyone saying it's bad taste just needs to pull the stick out of their ass.
So he's dead. Woop diddly do. Just suck it up and move on. You don't even know the guy. All he did was crappy commercials for crappy products.
Yeesh. People these days.
"Boo hoo! Someone I don't actually know died!…wut?! PEOPLE MAKING JOKEZ ABOUT HIMZ! OH NOEZ!"
I agree. Bad taste, man. Bad taste.
Chuckle-worthy, but a bit too soon. Maybe you should have waited until his body was in the ground…or Oxi-clean solution…or Orange Glow….or Kaboom.
If you order now, we'll throw in a second death, absolutey free.
Yao Ming, i think is dying guise
A little too soon for my tastes, but still a little funny.
Might have been better if the Spy was a Scout. Then It just looks like the Sham-Wow dude is taking out the competition. But then it would need a new caption.
Krillen, too soon
too soon man
Too soon for the joke..should have been only a post about Billy Mayes and later the joke
I didnt know him and I dont know MJ but drom the two Billy Mayes will be the one I would really miss
R.I.P King of Infomercials
In a
moreless tasteful tribute, the Garry's Mod community ran a screenshot competition to mourn his death.http://garrysmod.com/challenge/show/?id=63
this wouldve been funnier if the guy who died was an asshole or *cough MICHAEL JACKSON cough* a child molester. but no. Billy Mays was cool. and this is just mean and terrible
Terrible Photoshop and lack of a JOKE.
Billy Mays was credit to team. :(
I don't get it…
This joke sucks. There's no punch line. And what the hell did the Kaboom video tip him off to? Ditch the caption and photoshop Vince's face on the spy and you'd be good.
ice cold
Y'know what's a good tribute to him? The fact that last night Discovery channel had a marathon of a reality show called Pitchmen that starred Billy Mays. On the bottom of the screen by the Discovery Channel logo was a pic of Billy with the whole year of birth -- year of death thing. It was cool.
This is really bad. Left a bad taste in my mouth. Way to respect the dead buddy.
Too soon, good sir, too soon.
I think a troll has been around here. Got out my stash of +1s.